You've probably read the claims time and again that you can make thousands a day from Google's Adsense program if you'll just buy this Guru's ebook for $79.95 and follow his secret method's.
Or maybe if you sign up for an upcoming conference call, which in order to lock in your place on the call you just have to send $129.95 via PayPal to
When you get on the call don't forget to have a pen and paper handy to take notes so you can apply these secrets and make thousands per day.
"AArrrggghhh!"Ladies and Gentleman it is my pleasure to inform you that you don't need the latest, greatest ebook, report, teleseminar to learn the "Secrets To Making Money With Google Adsense" simply because, "There Are No Secrets".
You can find everything you need at the Adsense Website.Here's a novel idea, Google wants you to earn from their Adsense Program. They give you everything, they reveal all the methods for attracting visitors to click your ads and if you apply what they give you, You can and will make money.For those of you that don't have an account with Google or a web site to put their ads on, No Problem! Just head on over to and sign up. It's free. A website is also not a problem. You can get a blog from It is also free. You'll be able to host their ads and write about what you know on whatever niche you've decided to target.
When you get your code from Adsense make sure that the border and background colors are the same as your blog/website background. The ad title color should also match the font colors.This is so your ads don't look like ads but a part of your website theme. The more your ads don't look like ads, the greater the chances your ads will be clicked.Utilize all the ads that Google allows per page. They will include 3 regular sets of ads and 1 link unit. Get creative and the results will speak for themselves. Statistics are showing that their new 4 and 5 link ads are generating a higher ratio of click throughs. So use them whenever it's feasible.
Don't be afraid to visit the Google Adsense website and familiarize yourself with all they have to offer. This will help to insure the highest possible earnings from your ads. Ad placement and ways to optimize your site are covered there as well.If you've done some keyword research this should help with Google displaying ads that are relevant to your site.You'll need to track your progress. If you find you're not getting the desired clicks then try something different. Move your ads around. Change colors. Once you've found the right combination. Stick to it. But, do pay attention the changes and make necessary adjustments. Be careful not to jump the gun.
Sometimes your CTR (Click Through Rate) will take a nose dive for no apparent reason. Don't assume it has anything to do with what you're doing. Be patient and you'll see it return to normal, usually in a day or two..Apply these tips to your Adsense display, drive some traffic to your site and watch your earnings skyrocket.Art
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